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: music & Soundscapes of Mexico and Latin America

I am a singer, sound artist, and composer from Mexico City.

My work is rooted in an exploration of vocal praxis and composition, intersecting with the creation of live soundscapes.

I am particularly interested in the intersection between art and technology, and my research stems from a question about the relationship between sound and its surrounding ecosystem.

I strive for my music to be a space where sonic experimentation blurs the apparent boundaries between musical creation and field recording, vocal improvisation and live soundscapes, as well as music composition for performance and arrangement creation.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-11-09 a la(s) 21.28.49.png

Islas de la Tierra Firme

Design (1).png

All that's solid melts into air


Snow is a form of silence

Design (2).png

Fragmento IV


Water frequencies

Selva Negra-32 (1).jpg


Upcoming Dates

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